What We Do

What if all of your people utilised their strengths in the same way as your most talented people?

We work with clients across their whole talent agenda. We partner with individuals, teams and organisations to help them to get the right people into key roles, identifying their most talented people. We understand who has potential for the future, helping our clients to develop and grow their people and benchmark their talent. We put processes in place to accelerate people’s development, learning and growth, and build and implement strategic succession plans. Core to our work is developing deep understanding of the business challenges and requirements and understanding the level of fit between the individuals, teams and organisational cultures. We also help our clients develop high performing teams, implement business leadership development programmes, conduct engagement and pulse surveys and embed the culture and values required to deliver long term sustainable business success.

We work at three levels


Since 2000 we have conducted over 10,000 individual assessments, feedback, and coaching sessions for clients. We adopt a strengths based approach, working with individuals to identify and develop their unique strengths (or positive spikes) and manage or minimise their development areas. Our assessment tools, methods and processes are developed to support clients at all levels of the organisation, with our particular expertise being middle and senior management. Our development, feedback and coaching business is well regarded and achieves tangible results for individuals.



We work with teams on a wide range of areas including identifying and developing a high performing team culture, defining the strategic vision and goals, leadership development, creating a winning attitude and building a strengths culture. We work with teams to understand their purpose, their values and the team culture they need to develop in order to achieve their objectives.


We help businesses identify their organisational and leadership requirements for success. We define these in terms of the BEST requirements (Behaviours, Expertise, Strengths and Tenets) of the organisation.  We define the BEST Blueprint of the organisation at each level and in each division or function required to achieve their goals. We have extensive experience of understanding the challenges of the business and building talent strategies and methods to help solve these challenges, that enable individuals to utilise the required behaviours, skills and values.


UK, Netherlands and USA
   +44 208 645 0222